Mamoru Komachi

Research Professor
Faculty of Systems Design
Tokyo Metropolitan University
6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino, Tokyo 191-0065, Japan

2023/12/13 This page is no longer maintained. I am no longer taking new students at TMU. Please refer to my page at Hitotsubashi University.

Research Interests

  • Natural Language Processiong for Educational Applications
  • Large-scale natural language processing using the Web
  • Robust natural language processing
  • Statistical natural language processing (machine translation)
  • Natural language processing with deep learning (representation learning, deep neural network)

Current projects include large-scale natural language processing using the web, especially in the field of semantics analysis and information extraction. I am working on large corpora to extract semantic knowledge with minimal human annotation cost.

I am also interested in machine translation (MT). We are working on incorporating syntactic and semantic information to MT framework.


D.Eng., March 2010 (Best Student Award)
Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Dissertation title: Graph-Theoretic Approaches to Minimally-Supervised Natural Language Learning
Supervisor: Professor, Yuji Matsumoto
M.Eng., March 2007 (Best Student Award)
Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Thesis title: Argument Structure Analysis of Event Nouns Based on Noun-verb Co-occurences and Noun Phrase Patterns
Supervisor: Professor, Yuji Matsumoto
B.L.A., March 2005
College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba
Thesis title: The Language Policy in Colonial Taiwan (in Japanese)
Thesis advisor: Associate Professor, Takuji Okamoto

Professional Experience

April 2023-present
Hitotsubashi University, Japan
I am leading a natural language processing / computational linguistics research group.
May 2023-present
Research Professor
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
I am working as a primary investigator for a natural language processing lab.
April 2022-March 2023
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
I am working as a primary investigator for a natural language processing lab.
April 2013-March 2022
Associate Professor
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
I led an NLP research group and worked on various kinds of natural language processing and computatinal linguistics tasks.
April 2010-March 2013
Assistant Professor
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
I worked on various kinds of natural language processing tasks and data mining tasks.

(Professional experience prior to 2010)



October 2023-March 2027 JPY 35.0M
Japan Science and Technlogy Agency PRESTO, "Predicting the Future with Natural Language Processing for Decision Making"
April 2022-March 2026 JPY 13.4M
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), "Construction of an Evaluation Dataset and Quality Estimation for Neural Language Generation"
June 2020-March 2023 JPY 9.7M
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, "Represention Learning of Word and Sentence for Language Learners"
April 2019-March 2022 JPY 3.3M
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), "Compositionality of Word Embeddings"
April 2016-March 2017 JPY 2.5M
Microsoft Research CORE Project, "Neural Network for Robust Japanese Word Segmentation"
April 2016-March 2019 JPY 3.1M
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), "Error-Correction Using Robust Word Representation Learning and Deep Neural Networks"
April 2011-March 2014 JPY 2.5M
SCAT Research Grant, "Robust Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis for Large-scale Information Extraction"
April 2012-March 2013 JPY 2.0M
Microsoft Research CORE Project, "Learning L1-aware Error Models from the Web"
April 2011-March 2013 JPY 2.7M
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), "Large-scale Parallel Processing for Global Optimization in Natural Language Processing"
April 2008-March 2010 JPY 1.0M
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, "Exploiting Large Corpora for Learning-based Argument Structure Analysis of Noun Phrases"
October 2007-March 2008 JPY 1.25M
Creative and International Competitiveness Project Leader, "Robust Statistical Japanese IME with Unknown Word Processing Using Large Corpus", Nara Institute of Science and Technology.

Honors and Awards

December 2023
IPSJ Special Interest Group for Natural Language Processing Award. "Revisiting Meta-evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction"
December 2022
Best Paper Award, 27th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2022). "Is In-hospital Meta-information Useful for Abstractive Discharge Summary Generation?"
March 2019
The 2018 Best Paper Award, The Association for Natural Language Prodessing. "Text Simplificaiton without Simplified Corpora"
December 2016
IPSJ Special Interest Group for Natural Language Processing Award. "Building a Monolingual Parallel Corpus for Text Simplification without Simplified Corpora"
July 2014
The 20th Anniversary Best Paper Award, The Association for Natural Language Processing. "Annotating Predicate-Argument Relations and Anaphoric Relations: Findings from the Buidling of the NAIST Text Corpus"
May 2011
JSAI Best Paper Award, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. "Semantic Drift in Espresso-style Bootstrapping: Graph-theoretic Analysis and Evaluation in Word Sense Disambiguation"
August 2010
IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award, Information Processing Society of Japan. "Learning Semantic Categories from Web Search Logs Using Label Propagation" (One of the best CS awards in Japan)
March 2009
Best Paper Award, the 14th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing, "Kernelized Semantic Similarity and Generalization of Bootstrapping"
March 2008
Outstanding Paper Award, the 13th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing, "Annotating Predicate-argument and Coreference Relations in Japanese Written Text: From the Experience of Building the NAIST Text Corpus"
November 2005-March 2007
Scholarship of Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology.

Other Academic Activities

Program chair

  • PACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (2019)
  • NLP-TEA: Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (2018)

Area chair

  • ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics) Rolling Review (2022-)
  • ACL: Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics (2022)
  • EMNLP: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (2017)
  • IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (2017)
  • ACL: Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2014) - NLP Applications

Program committee

  • ACL: Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics (2015-2018, 2020)
  • EMNLP: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (2012, 2014-2019)
  • NAACL: North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2009, 2016, 2018, 2019)
  • COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics (2014-)
  • CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language Learning (2011-2013)
  • EACL: Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2012)
  • IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (2011-2017)
  • PACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (2018)
  • LREC: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (2018-)
  • BEA: Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (2013-)
  • NLP-TEA: Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (2014-2017)
  • WTIM: Workshop on Advances in Text Input Methods (2011)
  • AAAI: Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2011, 2018)
  • IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2015, 2019)

Editorial board

  • Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2018-2021)
  • The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (2014-2016)
  • The Association for Natural Language Processing (2013-2014)
  • The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (2012-2016)


  • TACL: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2014-2018, 2021-)
  • NeurIPS: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (2012-2015)
  • TALLIP: ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (2012, 2018-)
  • TASLP: IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (2018-)


  • NAACL-HLT 2021: Workshop Co-chairs
  • EMNLP 2023: Student Volunteer Co-chairs

Social Activities

June 2004-2014
Fink Project: Developer (Awarded Apple WWDC Student Scholarship in 2006 and 2009)
July 2003-October 2007
Gentoo Project: Developer (CJK team)

Other Information

  • Natural languages: Japanese (native), English (advanced: TOEFL CBT 266, TOEFL iBT 98; TOEIC 960), Mandarin Chinese and German (reading)
  • Programming languages: Python, C++, Bash
  • Platforms (currently developing on): Linux (Ubuntu), Mac OS X